Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I cant believe people study this random crap...and get paid for it....

How a hard chair creates a hard heart:

A bunch of yale-led psychologists did a study to show that our sense of touch affects how we view the world. They interviewed job applicants- those who were holding heavier clipboards to fill out their application, took their job more serious than their counterparts. In a different study, they found that if people were sitting on hard, cushionless chairs were less likely to compromise in price negotiations than those who were sitting on soft comfortable chairs.

In a different study, L. Williams found that in an encounter, people judged others to be more generious IF they were having a warm cup of coffee, as oppose to a cold drink.

A. Bargh explains that infants first develop physical contacts such as roughness, hardness and warmth. He argues that this is critical in how they view "abstract concepts" about people and relationships (ex. detecting a warm smile).


Anonymous said...

i like your tags or labels.

In Search of Tranquility said...

Thanks dear anonymous !
Do you like my posts also? lol

7svet said...

It's funny what psychology studies get funding. It also begs a question if the results are real or not although they make sense. Are there follow-up studies?

In Search of Tranquility said...

It's a VERY recent study... no follow up yet